LUKOIL is the leader of the Russian oil industry in exploration, production, refining and marketing of petroleum products.
LUKOIL, one of the world’s largest oil companies, operates on the principle "From the Wellhead Down to the Gas Station” meaning that it is active in oil production and refining and wholesale and retail sale of the petroleum products.
LUKOIL Lubricants produces a wide range of products that meet the most advanced operating requirements and specifications of both Russian and foreign vehicle and equipment manufacturers.
Today LUKOIL Lubricants controls the manufacture of more than 40% of all lubricants produced in Russia, amounting to around 1.2 million tonnes, and marketing these products in more than 40 countries across the globe.
LUKOIL Lubricants denotes considerable resources to developing advanced technologies for the manufacture of lubricants and additives. At its outset, the company set up a Science and New Technology Department responsible for developing know-how technologies and formula for new types of high-quality lubricants that modern engineering demands. This work is performed by company specialists in close cooperation with Russian and world leading scientific organizations. By investing in science LUKOIL Lubricants aims to qualitatively improve its product line and increases consumer demand for those products.